Tag: Development

Tech Debt is Anything But

Recently I’ve been involved in a lot of discussions regarding Technical Debt. A lot of the discussions boil down to “we have a mountain of tech debt, how can we pay it off?”. To me this is fundamentally the incorrect way of looking at the problem and the terminology is partly to blame. When we
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Boy\Girl Scout Coding

When I was a young lad in the Boy Scouts, earning a total of 3 badges I believe, we had a motto when going camping. “Leave the campsite cleaner then you found it.” We always did, and I still do to this day. I always thought that was a great little motto, for way more
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The Dark Art of Performance Optimization

Optimization is a tricky thing to do, difficult to quantify and can have troubling impacts on your whole project. This doesn’t mean you should never optimize your code, workflows or any other part of your operation. Quite the contrary, you should, but take this article as a signpost warning of dragons. One should never attempt
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