The Why of Your Company

In 2009 Simon Sinek filmed a Ted Talk entitled “How great leaders inspire action”. It’s a great Ted talk and I recommend watching it. The meat and potatoes of the talk are this “Successful companies and leaders know WHY they do what they do before the how and what of it” But why is the
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Decisions Set in Stone

We’ve all had these moments, your driving and trying to do it unaided (no GPS, no map). Maybe it’s a Sunday cruise to clear you mind or your on you bike and don’t want to pull over to whip out your cell phone. You come to a fork in the road and you make a
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Only Jesus Gets a 5

I was in a meeting on Friday where a number of developers were ranking in candidates for a position. The rating scale was a 1 to 5, and every candidate, even the ‘best’ ones only got a 4.5, why because “No one can earn a five”. Why is this ever an issue, why have a
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