Category: Business

You will never be bug free

Recently I was on a call with a miffed client dealing with issues in a software product. Understandably they were upset that what they were paying for had an issue that impacted them. All of that is pretty SOP but then an IT guy pipes up: “Do you guys have any testing? How did this
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Microsoft BizSpark Retrospective

In October of this year Resgrid graduated form the Microsoft BizSpark program after 3 years. In those 3 years I’ve had the chance to experience a number of things the program offered and want to give a retrospective on the program as a whole. For the uninitiated the BizSpark program is a way startups can
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To The Cloud!

I’m increasingly becoming the “Cloud Guy” or more specifically the “Azure Guy” in my development community and workplace. There’s nothing wrong with that, I actually love it. I attended PDC 2008 where Microsoft launched Azure and have been playing and using it ever since. When I have conversations with people and companies asking about cloud
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