Author: Shawn Jackson
I’ve spent the last 18 years in the world of Information Technology on both the IT and Development sides of the aisle. I’m currently a Software Engineer for Paylocity. In addition to working at Paylocity, I’m also the Founder of Resgrid, a cloud services company dedicated to providing logistics and management solutions to first responder organizations, volunteer and career fire departments, EMS, ambulance services, search and rescue, public safety, HAZMAT and others.
I’m a die hard Visual Studio guy, it’s been my primary IDE since I started as a full time software developer. I’ve played with other IDE’s of course, Eclipse for Java and Android development, XCode for iOS/Objective-C Dev. My favorite non-VS IDE’s are usually from JetBrains so IntelliJIDEA, RubyMine and WebStorm. But I’ve always used
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I was lucky enough to go to DevIntersection Fall 2014 in Las Vegas for my employer, Paylocity. Going to conferences can be a tough sell for a lot of companies, the perception is that it’s just a time to goof off on the company dime. Paylocity sent 12 people to DevIntersection, I am not denying
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In February 2014 I blogged about a price increase for Telerik AppBuilder (at the time named Icenium) in the range of 350% for a single developer. In the post and subsequent follows ups I mentioned that how a developer oriented company, like Telerik and Sencha, should treat their single/small developers with reverence. It’s these single
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